Risen Timeline

The Age of Creation

The Big Bang, the very manifestation of the universe itself and the start of The Age of Creation and the births of the seven primordial gods.

The Age of Chaos

The period in which the Primordial Gods waged war against a singular primordial who proclaimed himself as 'God' with his army of angels following after him as they swept across the universe.

The Age of Ancients

A period of time where countless species created by God lived on Terra and other forms of life began to emerge from the blood and life force left behind during Primordial War.

The Age of Calamity

A very brief period of time of which the earliest roots of humanity witnessed a near-world ending disaster that would precede the entirety of Terra's collective history.

The Age of Dragons

A period of time stretching on for tens of thousands of years where the dragons that lived beneath the earth rose to the surface after The Great Flood and conquered the skies, the lands, and the seas.

The Age of Man I

A time of countless wars and conflicts across over 150,000 years where kingdoms rose and fell, knowledge was lost, and countless lives were taken.

The Age of the Gods

Man's reign over the world was halted as the gods strived to bring order to what was thought to be a ceaseless period of bloodshed only to enter a time of even greater catastrophe.

The Age of Man II

The reign of the gods ended and the era of man returned anew, yet not in a time of war but rather of faith. Faith in the primordial which called himself 'God' was spread across the world by his most vibrant son, the Seraphim Archangel known as Michael. This Era would proceed the Exodus which would bring about a fundamental change in all of creation.

The Final Age

With the birth of Yeshua, thus began a new era. One that would result in the complete annihilation of all creation. In his final moments, Yeshua prophesized that the end would come 2,012 years after his death. It is in this period of time in which the remnants of ages past come together to set the universe on its proper path.